Recent collaboration with William F McDonald as part of aTE’s presence at Today Art Museum.

13.01.20 Recent collaboration with William F McDonald as part of aTE’s presence at Today Art Museum.

Recent collaboration with William F McDonald as part of aTE’s presence at Today Art Museum.  aTE is considering and developing new forms of global art making and exchange in an era when travel and tourism becomes increasingly problematic. ・・・
#Repost @todayartmuseumtam
Arts Territory Exchange (aTE) encourages ways of engaging with ‘place’ that move beyond traditional travel in the age of the Anthropocene (the humanly-made world). Artists from remote parts of the world are selected to take part in long-distance postal and digital correspondence, engaging each other in discussions around the post-colonial, political and environmental narratives of their respective territories:
aTE projects exemplify the range of objectives artists formulate to explore and understand the world. These include the ‘analytic’ and the ‘utopian’ – projects suggesting forms of social, political and artistic interaction and interconnectivity in an age of dramatic and possibly apocalyptic climate change.
#art #contemporaryart #anthropocene #utopian #environment

Today Art Museum

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