Excited to be showing new collaborative work in this exhibition at @todayartmuseum, the first non-profit and non-governmental museum in China /// with @artsterritoryexchange ・・・ The Arts Territory Exchange is taking part in the Fourth Today’s Documents exhibition ‘A Stitch In Time’ at the Today Art Museum in Beijing. The aTE exhibit will feature works by @alanavhunt @joannamartine @decipheringchange @carlybutlerart @gudrunfilipska @jrbrubaker @caroline.reyre @shuttlingbetween @andrewhowe Kristin Scheving and William F McDonald. Also images from 13 other aTE members will be featured as part of a table based display. /// The exhibition is curated by Huang Du and Jonathan Harris and draws on the theoretical writing of Ernesto Laclau who was interested in the capacity of people to link together and stitch new ideas into systems and ideologies which had previously not existed. Opens December 12 th – to March 15th 2020.
Excited to be showing new collaborative work in this exhibition at @todayartmuseum, the first non-profit and non-governmental museum in China /// with @artsterritoryexchange ・・・ The Arts Territory Exchange is taking part in the Fourth Today’s Documents exhibition ‘A Stitch In Time’ at the Today Art Museum...